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 Our Services for Companies


You are wondering how your business could grow with digitalization. You are looking for more management and development skills for that.  You could also benefit from new ideas and innovations by finding a working model with start-up companies. You are keen to develop competencies of your management and personnel and to use external help for that.  You have change programs, for which you could use more guidance and support. 


Our services for your Company:  

  • Business development

  • Developing digital service models and solutions

  • Developing cooperation models for start-up cooperation

  • Competency and leadership development

  • Change management and support

  • Program management and support


Our Services for Start-ups

You have a great start: a great business idea, a great team and a good go-to-market plan.  Perhaps you need more experience and knowledge how to get your business idea to product/service launch and to grow your market share. Your operations and team are to be expanded and developed – here you could also use an outside opinion. Sometimes there is a need for hints on business development. Sometimes information technology can be a challenge, and you need views on the direction in which your company's digital solutions should be developed.  You may also need some funding.  


Our Services for your Start-up: 

  • Go-to-market strategy and internationalisation

  • Scaling up business operations

  • Team  development

  • Business development

  • Developing digital service models and solutions

  • Angel investments 



Contact us and let’s discuss more on the needs of your company. Let’s plan a consulting service fitting your needs in the right way.